Postpartum Doula
Your personalized postpartum care will ease you in to life with a new baby.
We assist in your recovery, baby’s needs, and those of your whole family and
counsel you in making a customized plan for your long-term wellbeing.

Your Postpartum Doula visits include:
Care for you as you rest and recover
Information and tips on baby care
How to make baby's first year an easier transition
Breastfeeding and/or bottle feeding support
Emotional support
Light housework and meal prep
Guidance in laying out long-term plans for your family and household
Overnight care
We are are trained in recognizing PMAD (Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders)
and have resources for mothers struggling with these challenges.
Enjoy encouragement, help, and peace of mind with your postpartum doula care.
Reduced rates may apply for larger hourly contracts or as add-on with other services.